The Launcher
Codex-Ipsa Launcher is an experimental Minecraft launcher which supports launching multiple editions of the game -
Java, MinecraftEdu and Xbox 360, with more to come.
The launcher is currently only supported for Windows.
Download the latest stable version here.
Or you can get the latest development version here.
Source code can be found on Github.
List of features as of v0.3.6:
- Easy-to-edit instances
- Automatic updates
- Microsoft log-in
- Languages
- Play without internet connection
- Discord Rich-presence
- Easy working with Java installs (Java 8, 17 and 21)
- Custom themes
- All currently archived versions up to the latest one, including historical versions, snapshots, experimental versions and reuploads
- Fixes for old versions, such as:
- Skins and sounds in classic to release 1.5.2
- Skins and sounds for 1.7 and it's snapshots
- 12w18a to 12w21a not being able to download a required server jar
- Connect to servers on Classic and early Alpha (either enter the IP on game launch or do it automatically with instance settings)
- Automatic assets downloading on 1.6+
- Option to always play the latest release or snapshot
- Easy mod management for old versions:
- Built-in mods repository filled with amazing mods (BTA, NFC, Legacy+, and more!)
- Automatic updates for repository mods
- Adding jar mods (Add to minecraft.jar)
- Launching custom minecraft.jar files (Replace minecraft.jar)
- Mod loaders for old and modern versions:
- Easy one-click installation
- Risugami's ModLoader support
- Forge support up to 1.12.2 (with more coming Soon™!)
- Fabric support up to the latest snapshot
- For advanced/more technical users
- Custom asset indexes (from url/local)
- Easily manage Java installation
- Load custom IpsaJSONs (documentation coming Soon™!)
- Only a few versions for now, will add more over time
- All available 1.4.7, 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 versions
- One 1.7.2 and 1.8.9 version
- Uses Xenia emulator
- All versions from the pre-releases up to TU75
- Launch demo or full game