Launcher v0.3.8
A small hotfix is out:
- Fixed downloading xbox 360 base game
Launcher v0.3.7
A small update which changes API urls to a new domain is up:
- Moved all API to a new domain
- Other small API improvements
Along this, the domain which is the new home of the launcher is now live!
Launcher v0.3.6
Hey there! It's been a while since the last release. I've been really busy with real life stuff, but got into
development again, just in time for the christmas season! An update is out now:
- You can now use the launcher without internet connection (there may still be issues with this, please report any
- Overhauled authentication
- The launcher now only authenticates you on startup, causing the game to launch MUCH faster
- Fixed multiplayer not working with old servers
- Added a MinecraftEdu icon to instance editor
- Removed some unused GUI elements
- Fixed Java version not displaying in a message box
MinecraftEdu 1.5 versions
All MinecraftEdu 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 versions appeared!
Even more coming in the following day(s)
(this of course means all available versions since not all are archived)
MinecraftEdu 1.4 versions
All MinecraftEdu 1.4.7 versions appeared!
More are coming in the following day(s)
Launcher v0.3.5
A tiny bugfix update is out now:
- Fixed a themes related crash
- Better default theme loading
- Cleaned up mods edit GUI
- Disabled changelog reloading
Launcher v0.3.4
A small bugfix and quality of life improvement update is here!
- Added custom launcher themes
- Better seasonal themes loading
- Remembering checkboxes with development eras in instance editor
- You now get an error message if your Microsoft account doesn't own the game
- All columns in instance editor now have the same width
- No more loading instances twice on startup
Launcher v0.3.3
The stable release v0.3.3 is finally here! All the branches got merged, your launcher should automatically
update. Now onto v0.4.0!
Changes since rc3:
- Unified the version selection column size
- Fixed some button sizes
- Hidden "Other" version filter for now
- Internal restructures
Launcher v0.3.3-rc3
A new (and hopefully last) release candidate of v0.3.3 is up! It brings some boring technical changes and bug
- Game supplement extracting
- Certain Forge versions use the correct JSONs now
- Fixed launching certain Forge versions
- Fixed issues with switching editions
- Fixed showing Xbox 360 game settings
The API also got a few new modloaders for you to play with, Forge and Risugami's Modloader are now available for
b1.7.3 - release 1.3.2!
More versions will be added over time.
Launcher v0.3.3-rc2
- Online mode servers authentication fixed
Launcher v0.3.3-rc1
- Readd Fabric, jarmod Forge versions and Risugami's Modloader support
- Rework the way mods are compiled and launched
- Update the modloader version select GUI
- Instance setting "Server IP", allows you to join servers on game start
- Better joining servers
- Fixed login warn not showing up
- Further json refactor, removed old jsonObject -- split it into UpdateJson, AuthJson and LanguagesJson
- Remove Profile.cs along with it's integrations
- Remove DownloaderGui experiment
- Code cleanup
Launcher v0.3.3-pre8
- Counting and displaying your play time
- Better selecting version when editing instances
- Editing a latest or latest snapshot instance works properly now
- API related classes refactor
Some API updates
[No launcher update necessary, this is just API stuff]
- Forge 1.11, 1.11.2, 1.12 and 1.12.1 added
- Added latest releases/snapshots
- Added b1.2_02-20110517 (dev)
Update 19:24 I am aware that b1.2_02-20110517 crashes, nothing I can do about it for now. You can fix it by
this jar as a jarmod (Add to minecraft.jar button in settings)
v0.3.3-pre7 is up!
- Readded Forge support (Only 1.12.2 atm, the API will be updated over the next days)
- Disable modloader buttons when they aren't available
- Old files cleanup
HybridSurvival has been added to the mod repo!
The mod HybridSurvival by MrLordSith is now available in the mod repository! It is a 14a_08 mod which adds Indev features and multiplayer.
Historical versions of Voxels in Time
Just added a bunch of older releases of Voxels in Time, by MrLordSith.
That includes versions from v0.22 up to the latest v0.24.
Some mods just got updated
Here are the mods I just updated:
- Added BTA versions up to v7.2_01
- Added InfHell versions up to v0.9_4
- Fixed Authentic Adventure reporting that 1.3 is the latest version, should have been v1.3.1
v0.3.3-pre6 is now *actually* up!
Whoops, seems like I messed up when uploading v0.3.3-pre6. It should actually be up now. Sorry for the wait!